5 Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizers Sort by: Price ascendingPrice descendingMost Popular Show filters Vaporizer Sticky Brick Labs Clear all filters Sticky Brick Runt 4.7 The Sticky Brick Runt is another great wooden vaporizer handmade in the USA. The analog ... from £124.00 Sticky Brick OG (Original) 4.6 The Sticky Brick OG is also known as "The Brick" or "OG Brick," the original ... from £148.96 Sticky Brick HydroBrick Maxx 4.7 Whether it is an outdoor adventure or home, The HydroBrick Maxx offers you powerful 100 ... from £125.83 Sticky Brick Flip Brick 4.7 The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs is the most affordable and smallest member of ... from £82.39 Sticky Brick Junior 4.6 The Sticky Brick Junior is a portable, butane-powered, on-demand vaporizer, made of wood and glass ... from £115.68 Recent searches on Vapospy → Vaporizers made of Wood → Portable Vaporizers under £50 → E-Nails | Electronic Dab Nails → Grinders → Vapes with detachable battery → Vaporizer made of Glass → DaVinci Vaporizers → Desktop Vaporizers under £400