12 Desktop Dry Herb Vaporizers under £200 Sort by: Price ascendingPrice descendingMost Popular Show filters Dry Herbs Desktop Vaporizer £ 0-200 Clear all filters Focus V Carta 2 The Focus V Carta 2, a product of the reputable Focus V brand, is a ... from £188.00 Arizer XQ2 4.8 The Arizer XQ2 is a budget-friendly and feature-rich desktop vaporizer for dry herbs and concentrates. ... from £111.98 Plenty by Storz & Bickel 4.7 The Plenty by Storz & Bickel is a handheld desktop vaporizer for dry herbs, wax, ... from £141.80 Arizer V-Tower 4.5 The Arizer V-Tower is a reliable and affordable desktop vaporizer with a long whip and ... from £59.92 Easy Vape Digital The Easy Vape is a box-style vaporizer with a modern, minimalist digital touch. It heats ... from £55.78 Silver Surfer The Silver Surfer Vaporizer is a unique desktop vaporizer, handmade in the USA. This reliable ... from £176.27 Da Buddha Vaporizer Da Buddha is an herbal vaporizer with a ceramic heating element and a convection heating ... from £148.06 Life Saber Vaporizer Life Saber is a herbal desktop vaporizer utilizing a ceramic heating element. It allows you ... from £169.64 Sticky Brick HydroBrick Maxx 4.7 Whether it is an outdoor adventure or home, The HydroBrick Maxx offers you powerful 100 ... from £148.08 Elev8R Ball Vaporizer The Elev8R Ball Vaporizer is perfect for dabs or vaporizing flowers. It fits a 14mm ... from £147.42 Pulsar RöK Pulsar RöK is a portable dab rig for dry herb and concentrates. It cranks up ... from £85.26 Arizer Extreme Q 4.8 Arizer Extreme Q is a desktop vaporizer for dry herbs, concentrates, and aromatherapy botanicals. It ... from £82.25 Recent searches on Vapospy → AirVape Vaporizers → Storz & Bickel Vaporizers → Arizer Vaporizers → Wax/Concentrate Pen Vaporizers → Vivant Vaporizers → Vaporizers that automatically shut-off → Desktop Vaporizers under £200 → Portable Vaporizers under £200